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As a nurse, I saw the impact of diabetes on patients. I understand what is going on in the body of a diabetic. We need a better way to manage diabetes to help people live more normal lives. The burden on the health care system is severe. I’m optimistic that we are looking at the solution with Scimar’s work.
~ Trudy Steiner, Retired Nurse
When Mick (Lautt, Scimar’s CEO) started telling me about Scimar and what they were doing, I could see that not only was there potential from an investment standpoint, but there was a potential benefit for our own community and the world. An improvement in human health and major steps in the battle against type 2 diabetes would benefit everyone.
~ Terry Cholka, Scimar multi-round investor; Agricultural business leader
I’ve been investing for over 40 years. I always do my homework before I make a decision. When I did my homework on Scimar, I came to understand the enormous market potential and global health benefits of the products Scimar is developing. I trust the CEO and believe that my investment in Scimar will pay off. I rarely use the word ‘excited’, but I am excited.
~ Mel Wyshynski, Former Division President, INCO Ltd.
Speaking for myself, I don’t think our health care system is sustainable for the long term and we know that 60% of chronic diseases are preventable; and we know that healthy people are productive people. What SciMar is doing can have a wide-ranging impact.
~ Sara Jordan, Executive Director, Canadian Mental Health Association (Calgary Region)
“At Youville, we’re on the front lines of community health and we see the devastating impacts of type 2 diabetes up close. As a WTN (Wellness Transformation Network) Partner, we’re excited to work with other Partners to advance some very important science and make an even greater difference in people’s lives.”
~ Toni Tilston-Jones, Executive Director, Youville (Winnipeg), Scimar Diversity Consultant
Dr. Lautt’s work is steeped in innovation, passion, and excellent science. I am proud to serve on Scimar’s AdvisoryBoard. I fully expect that this work will save lives and alter global health policy and practice.
~ Dr. Jon Gerrard, Former Federal Minister of Science and Technology; Member of Legislative Assembly (Manitoba)
When we invest in a business, we absolutely look for opportunities that are shaped by social purpose, but we also want to see a good return. What is so appealing about SciMar is that they are far down the road in their development.The research they are doing on HISS (hepatic insulin-sensitizing substance) goes back over 20 years and has been validated along the way. From an investment perspective, that is very compelling. We have a pretty significant level of confidence in their people and their ability to deliver.
~ Dave Angus, President, Johnston Group
The opportunity to be part of this exciting venture and positively impact the lives of an incredibly large number of people is intensely satisfying and I am honoured to play a role by investing in this ethical company. There are also fascinating possibilities for agriculture and for the health of the commercial food chain.
~ Dr. Roxane Neufeld, Past-President, Manitoba Veterinary Medical Association, SciMar Investor
When we met with Mick Lautt (SciMar’s CEO), we learned about SciMar’s science and about the investment opportunity. We paid attention. From a health perspective, we are eager for a new approach, a new direction. We need better outcomes for people who have this disease and we need better strategies and tools for preventing the disease in the first place. SciMar really impressed us from a health perspective. It also impressed us as an investment.
~ Chief Marcel Moody, Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation
Type 2 diabetes has an enormous impact on patients and their families, not to mention health care policy and funding.The disease presents an enormous social burden and I am happy to see that a new paradigm in managing it might be on the horizon. I trust the SciMar team and am impressed by the science. Most important, I’m excited about the impact we could have.
~ Dr. Scott Kish, Manitoba Family Physician of the Year Award (2018)